How to Use a Wheel Balancer?

To use a wheel balancer, the following steps are typically involved:

  1. Turn on the Balancer: The first step is to turn on the balancer.

  2. Clean the Tire, Rim Flange, and Wheel: Ensure that the tire, rim flange, and wheel are clean.

  3. Mount the Tire/Wheel Assembly on the Balancer: Place the tire/wheel assembly on the balancer.

  4. Enter Wheel Dimensions: Enter the A & D wheel dimensions and the width wheel dimensions into the balancer.

  5. Spin the Wheel and Check Dimensions: Lower the hood to spin the wheel and check the dimensions.

  6. Attach Corrective Weights: Note when the inboard and outboard center bars blink, and attach the inboard and outboard corrective weights accordingly.

  7. Respin and Check Balance: Lower the hood to respin and check the balance.

It's important to note that the specific steps may vary somewhat depending on the type of equipment used, but these are typical procedures for wheel balancing.

Additional Information

Wheel balancing is the process of equalizing the weight of the combined tire and wheel assembly so that it spins smoothly at high speed. Balancing involves putting the wheel/tire assembly on a balancer, which centers the wheel and spins it to determine where the weights should go.

Computer wheel balancers are popular, accurate, and easy to use for balancing tires in both static and dynamic modes. The wheel is mounted to a horizontal threaded shaft using adapters that are supplied with the machine.

Before a tire can be balanced, it must be concentrically seated. This involves measuring the distance between the molded rib on the lower sidewall of the tire and the edge of the wheel's rim flange. The tire must be deflated and reseated if the distance between the two points is greater than 2/32-inch.

The goal of wheel balancing is to ensure the weight is evenly distributed throughout each of the wheels and tires on a vehicle, which evens out heavy and light spots in a wheel so that it rotates smoothly.


It's important to follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the wheel balancer being used, as procedures may vary between different models and brands.

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